Welcome to Stone Bridge Wellness

The care plans allow us to provide the most effective treatment by performing precise, detailed chiropractic adjustments. A licensed Chiropractor like Dr. Beth Snyder, DC, from Stone Bridge Wellness can help treat your injury through various chiropractic and acupuncture treatments to give your body a better chance of recovering properly. Dr. Beth Snyder, DC, aims to reduce your pain and discomfort. She strives for you to leave her office feeling more robust and relaxed than you did when you walked in.

The Advantages

  • Over 24 years of experience
  • Individualized Treatment
  • Initial Chiropractic Examination
  • Diagnostic Spinal X-Rays
  • Comprehensive Consultations
  • Licensed chiropractor & Acupuncturist
  • Emergency Chiropractic
  • Innovative Treatment Options
  • Accept Medical Liens
  • Friendly Chiropractor
  • Same-day Appts Avaliable
  • Walk-ins Welcome
  • Comfortable Exam Rooms
  • Relaxing Waiting Area

Meet The doctor

Through skills and knowledge, the doctor provides comprehensive care to help patients improve their overall wellness.

Come into Stone Bridge Wellness and choose the special offer that fits your needs.